Meaning Local system
What does Local system mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Local system. You can also add a definition of Local system yourself


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Local system

The system you are using. Interactions between your computer and another computer on the Internet are sometimes described using the terms "local" and "remote" systems. The local system is your computer and the remote system is the other computer.
Source: (offline)


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Local system

A computer (system) operated directly by the user rather than connected at arm's length via a communications link. E.g. a personal computer as opposed to a "remote" computer. LOL
Source: (offline)


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Local system

An institution's computer system that manages cataloging, acquisitions, circulation, serials and/or an online catalog. If elements of a local system are designed to interact, can be called an Integrated Local System (ILS).
Source: (offline)

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